Monday, April 6, 2015

Very effective warm up exercise!

Very effective warm up exercise!

Throughout my years as a pianist, I've come to appreciate and value more and more the power behind dedicating time to practice and warm up my fingers. There are a wide variety of exercises that help us as musicians to become better at our particular instrument and I've adopted this specific exercise I’m about to show you as one of my dearest.

I perform this exercise every day for at least 10 minutes, and I also use it every time I’m going to perform somewhere as a pre-warm up exercise. It is very effective and it trains your fingers to play uniformly at the same time, with the added bonus of warming up your fingers. This has proven even more effective in cold environments, it can turn cold and hard to articulate fingers into fast reacting fingers with better movement and articulation in a short period of time.

It begins in the key of C with both hands, using our pinky finger on the left (or fifth digit) and our first digit on the right. Then we will skip the following note by jumping from C to E (skipping D) with both hands, using our fourth digit on the left hand and our second digit on the right hand. Then we will move up note after note until we run out of fingers (or once we hit A), then we will come back the opposite way downward and we will find ourselves at a different starting point than before, which will be D (the note we skipped in the first place.) This will create an elevator effect where you will cover every single white key by skipping only the second note every time you start the exercise, like this:

After you've covered at least 4 octaves in the piano upwards with this exercise it will be time to reverse the exercise all together so that we can go back to the beginning and come full circle. Once we get to G on the last octave, we will skip downward the following note (in this case F) towards E, using our fourth digit on the right hand and our second digit on the left hand. Then we will continue to go downward note by note until we run out of fingers again (or until we reach B) and we will go back up finding ourselves at a lower starting point than before (or the key of F) the note which we had skipped before., like this:

Then continue to descend until you reach the original C in which you started the exercise.

As you may notice, this exercise is very effective and works every single one of our digits in a clean and meticulous manner. My main advice to you if you’re new to this exercise is to approach it slowly, felling every single digit hit the keys one at a time. We are not necessarily looking for speed here, we are looking for effective clean playing while warming up our fingers. Then as you progress and the exercise becomes easier to handle, then add a little more speed. If you can’t hear every single note an all fingers from both hands all together, then you’re probably doing it too fast. Slow down and be patient and try again from the beginning.

The goal is to play the complete exercise without messing up once. Have fun and I hope this exercise adds value to your practicing routine.

God Bless!

Carlos Camilo 

(Author)(pianist/singer/arranger/producer/composer from Miami,FL).